Unstoppable U Online

Tweet with the Mav and stop by our Online Program 


Donations Welcome

We are a non-profit dedicated to helping kids thrive! 


Meet the Mav
Help Save Our Wild Horses

Viggo Mortensen on the threat to wild horses



Sign the Petitions

Stop the Slaughter

Stop the Roundups


It's Unstoppable U Online!

Maverick and I are SO excited to share the first step of taking our Program Online for all kids to share!

Our Story Boards share the lessons and stories we tell in our classroom sessions - through videos and photos from real life Unstoppable U programs.  We're adding new stories ALL the time - so please check back for more stories to share with your classrooms, groups, teams or your very own kids! 

Maverick is also TWEETING and Facebook sharing with kids from all over the world.  We'd love to tweet or connect with your group too.  Just ping the Mav and he'll get right back to you - assuming he's not somewhere frolicking with kids!

Also - be sure to check out our UnstoppableUOnline YouTube Channel. We post a lot of program videos there - for classroom and to Meet the Mav!  


Unstoppable U Story Boards

With Unstoppable U Pinterest boards, kids learn and are inspired as they have FUN. What could be better for parents, coaches, teachers, summer camp and more?   And if you'll simply contact us, Maverick will be ready and waiting for a Tweetup with your kids - or perhaps some Facebook sharing.  It's a once in a lifetime chance to Tweet with a real Wild Horse and learn to be Unstoppable!  We love it!!! 

Unstoppable U 


Kids can share in the fun of Unstoppable U thanks to videos of real life programs, as well as photos of the kids and Mav in action! 



Wild Horses in America  


Kids learn all about how wild horses came to America and how they impacted the New World. They also learn the sad stories of what's happening to our wild horses today at the hands of our government. 




Mav's Story

Learn how Mav shifted from Unlovable to Unstoppable! All about his wild horse life until he was captured at 8 years old - a bit about his troubled times at the hands of the BLM - then we share his rescue as part of the FAmous Nebraska 200 and finally - his transition to UNSTOPPABLE! 


 Mav Today


This storyboard shares more about the Maverick and his life today. He is the smartest most amazing horse i've ever met. Everyday is a new adventure with the Mav - and we love it! 



Fun Videos


Maverick is such a clown.  We can't begin to capture his love of life and prankster nature. But here are a few videos of his Unstoppable self as he enjoys life and the pursuit of fun and frolic! 



Check out our Lessons Page for more on the Maverick's Unstoppable U stories!